
The Idyllwild Water District and WorldWater & Power Corporation celebrated a solar dedication at Foster Lake on May 19, 2006. This one-of-a-kind solar system uses WorldWater’s new technology “AquaMax” to power its six primary wells, a water filtration plant, and a booster station for providing emergency water to the Pine Cove Water District.
The “AquaMax” is the only system in the world that can operate large motors up to 600 H.P. using variable frequency drives on solar power. This amazing solar project marks the first breakthrough in the world for a water district to operate its water system using the “AquaMax” unit. IWD has moved closer to independence from Southern California Edison grid power.
More than 60 people attended the solar dedication. The one hour program included six speakers; State Assemblyman John Benoit, IWD President Allan Morphett, General Manager Terry Lyons, Ken Reichley with SCE, Dustin Hardwick with CA. Rural Water Association, and Larry Slominski with WorldWater & Power.
The solar project will help us maintain low water rates for our customers. The construction cost was $309,286.00. IWD received 50% or $154,643.00 match funding from S.C.E. Based on a projected 3% annual inflation on S.C.E. power rates the project payback will be 10.8 years.

This solar system can operate with or without SCE power. The solar system will generate some electrical power backwards through the electric meter providing credits for IWD that can be drawn upon when nighttime pumping is needed.
Along with SCE credits the district will receive Renewable Energy Credits, (R.E.C.’s) from WorldWater for 0.10 cents for every kWh generated for seven years. The solar project was completed in January, 2006 and has operated with new additions of the latest upgrade equipment allowing us to make minor changes necessary to smooth out the operation. The District will be providing tours for groups in the future.